7 Steps to Food Peace and Freedom
This free download is right for you if any of the following sound familiar.
“I’ve been on and off of so many different diets and nothing seems to work. I am fed up.”
“I binge eat, overeat and find that I just can’t stop eating”
“I eat when I am feeling emotional, anxious or stressed”
“I am in the cycle of binge eating and restricting and I just want to get out”
“My whole life feels like it’s revolved around eating or planning to eat healthy”
“I have a long list of forbidden foods and I just want to enjoy eating healthy foods”
It’s exhausting… I know.
But there is a way out, and that is through re-learning how to have a healthy relationship with food and intuitive eating.
What’s included?
1) A 20-minute audio download where I guide you through 7 actionable steps.
2) A complimentary workbook to complete at your own pace.
A complimentary email series where I take you further and share more information and suggestions on how to find food freedom in your day to day life.
Actionable steps to help you:
Ditch dieting
Tune into your biological hunger and find out what foods truly satisfy you
Let go of ‘should’s and shouldn’ts’ and ‘good’ and ‘bad’ food labelling
Be guided through the first steps on how to build a peaceful relationship with food through intuitive eating.
Are you ready to begin finding food freedom?
Find out more about my approach by getting access to my 7-steps to Food Freedom.
These are things you can start doing today.
7 Steps To Find Food Peace & Food Freedom
If you struggle with yo-yo dieting, emotional eating, comfort eating, binge eating, compulsive overeating or feeling guilty when you eat, this 20-minute audio download with an actionable steps in a workbook is right for you.
Want to learn more? Check out our latest articles.
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What If Intuitive Eating Doesn’t Work?
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