Discover Food Freedom: Self-Paced Intuitive Eating Courses to Heal Your Relationship with Food

No matter where you are in your journey to food peace and food freedom, whether you’re just beginning, or already a master, we are aiming to have a digital course for you.

Each online course is designed and delivered by qualified experts to guide you through your specific area of need. 

Katherine Kimber, Dietitian, at laptop, creating online nutrition courses

The courses

Self-paced intuitive eating course cover

An Introduction to Ditching Dieting & Eating with Happiness

A self-paced expert-led online course designed to help you begin healing your relationship with food.

Stop Overeating Course

Nourishing with Kindness & Confidence Throughout Pregnancy

A self-paced expert-led online course designed to help you feel equipped and empowered to navigate non-diet nutrition in pregnancy. 

Stop Overeating Course

Pocket Course: Stop overeating & re-gain control around food

A self-paced online audio course designed to help you take your power back from bingeing & overeating and to find inner peace & food freedom.

More are on the way… 

Want something more personalised?

We offer online qualified nutritional advice, 1:1 Intuitive Eating coaching & ongoing support to get you to your happiest & healthiest self, without overwhelm confusion or deprivation.