Discover Food Freedom: Self-Paced Intuitive Eating Courses to Heal Your Relationship with Food
No matter where you are in your journey to food peace and food freedom, whether you’re just beginning, or already a master, we are aiming to have a digital course for you.
Each online course is designed and delivered by qualified experts to guide you through your specific area of need.

The courses

An Introduction to Ditching Dieting & Eating with Happiness
A self-paced expert-led online course designed to help you begin healing your relationship with food.

Nourishing with Kindness & Confidence Throughout Pregnancy
A self-paced expert-led online course designed to help you feel equipped and empowered to navigate non-diet nutrition in pregnancy.

Pocket Course: Stop overeating & re-gain control around food
A self-paced online audio course designed to help you take your power back from bingeing & overeating and to find inner peace & food freedom.
More are on the way…
Want something more personalised?
We offer online qualified nutritional advice, 1:1 Intuitive Eating coaching & ongoing support to get you to your happiest & healthiest self, without overwhelm confusion or deprivation.