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We have put together our favourite resources to help you along your journey – whether you’re starting right from the beginning, or you’re a fully fledged intuitive eater, there is something for you!
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Instagram accounts we love
- Maeve Hannan: @dieteticallyspeaking
- Vincci Tui: @vinccird
- Christy Harrison: @christyharrison
- Aaron Flores: @aaronfloresrdn
- Anna Sweeney: @dietitiananna
- Jess Rann: @jess_rann_nutrition
- Fiona Sutherland: @the.mindfuldietitian
- The Rooted Project: @rooted_project
- Anna Rose: @neuroqueering_nutrition
- Mona Harding: @thenutritionpsych
- Freedom to Be Therapy: @freedomtobetherapy
- Isa Robinson: @isarobinson_nutrition
- Dr Jenna Daku: @jennadaku
- Molly Forbes @mollyjforbes
- Harri Rose: @harri_rose_
- Embody Health London: @embodyhealthlondon_
- Body Happy Org: @Bodyhappyorg
- Laura Phelan: @thisislauraphelan
- Brianna Campos: @bodyimagewithbri
- Christyna: @encouragingdietitian
- Lindley Ashline: @bodyliberationwithlindley
- Michelle Elman: @Michelleelman
- Meg Boggs: @meg.boggs
- Nicola Salmon: @fatpositivefertility
- Rachel Hartley: @rachaelhartleyrd
- Anti-Diet Riot Club: @antidietriotclub
- Shira Rosenbluth: @theshirarose
- Sinead: @intuitive.eating.ireland
- Sonya Renee Taylor: @sonyareneetaylor
- Victoria Niamh: @victorianiamh
- Tiffany Ima: @tiffanyima
- Vinny Welsby: @fierce.fatty
- Aubrey Gorgon: @yrfatfriend
- Megan Jane Crabbe: @meganjaynecrabbe
- Marci Evans: @marcird
- Dalina Soto: @your.latina.nutritionist
- Ivy Felicia: @iamivyfelicia
- Alissa Rumsey: @alissarumseyrd
- Laura Burns & Julie Duffy Dillon: @pcosbodyliberation
- Lauren Leavell: @laurenleavellfitness
- Tally Rye: @tallyrye
- Dr Joshua Wolrich: @drjoshuawolrich
- Molly Bahr: @mollybcounselling
- Shana Minei Spence: @thenutritiontea
- Ashlee Bennett, AThR @bodyimage_therapist
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This could be you…
Stories from previous customers to see what’s possible for you.
From an 8 year battle with “binge eating”, to “my life no longer revolves around food”.
Miss G – “Reclaim Your Intuition” + ongoing support
Sarah thought she was addicted to sugar, mostly chocolate. So much so, she was going to spend thousands of pounds to go to a sugar addiction rehab centre, leaving her 9-month-old son behind. Her eating habits were out of control, and her weight was increasing rapidly. She thought a Dietitian would just tell her what to eat and was hesitant… however, realised this is far from the truth! She has now realised she does not have an addiction, now has normalised her eating, she now eats less chocolate, has more structure, more awareness, is more in tune with her natural hunger signals.
Miss M – “Reclaim Your Intuition” programme
From a lifelong battle with binge eating, dieting, and an attempt to end her life earlier this year because of it, to be able to look forward to social occasions without agonising over menus, being more present with friends and family, feeling less isolated, and a sense of absolute freedom around food.
“This programme has changed my life”.
Mrs P – “Reclaim Your Intuition” + ongoing support