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Written by our expert Registered Dietitian's at Nude Nutrition

How much water should I drink in a day?
If you’re wondering “how much water should I drink in a day?”, then this article from Registered Dietitian’s explains just that.

What should an average day of eating look like?
What should an average day of eating look like? It seems like a silly question to need to ask doesn’t it…what should an average day of eating look like? Let me reassure you, feeling confused about what constitutes a normal day of eating is not silly. It...

What Is Compulsive Eating?
If you are wondering why do I compulsively eat? And how can I stop compulsively eating? This article will aim to provide the answers and give tips to help you feel more in control around food again.

Why do I eat if I’m not hungry?
Do you find yourself frequently eating to the point of feeling uncomfortably full? Maybe this leaves you feeling guilty or worried about what will happen to your weight. This article answers your question “Why do I eat when I’m not hungry”.

Why Can’t I Stick To a Diet?
Are you wondering “why can’t I stick to a diet?”. This article explains why diets can be so hard to stick to, and what you can do instead.

Why Am I Not Losing Weight?
So, you're doing all the right things but still left wondering, "why am I not losing weight?" Perhaps methods that have previously led to weight loss are not working this time around? This can be very frustrating but please know you are not alone. We have many...

Can intuitive eating help with IBS?
Firstly, what is IBS? Before we answer the question "can intuitive eating help with IBS", first, let's get clear on what it is. IBS stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Of all the medical diagnoses, this is one that does exactly what it says on the tin. The bowel is...

How can a therapist help with eating and body image issues?
If you're wondering "how can a therapist help with eating and body image issues", you've come to the right place. Lucy, our resident integrative psychotherapist has answered your most common questions on this topic. What is a therapist? A “therapist” is usually used...

What Is the Difference Between a Dietitian and a Nutritionist?
Are you wondering what is the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist? Are they the same thing? Find out here.

Why Am I Always Hungry?
Can’t take your mind off of food? Fear that you will lose control if you do eat? Registered Dietitian answers “why am I always hungry”.

Can you trust your hunger?
Do you think if you listened to or trusted your hunger, you would just eat and eat and eat? Registered Dietitian’s explain how to overcome this.

How to stop hating yourself in photos
Do you ever feel shame, anxiety or disgust when seeing photos of yourself? This article explains how to stop hating yourself in photos.

How To Stop Thinking About Food
Do you find yourself constantly thinking about your next meal or snack? Learn how to stop thinking about food in this article.

How To Stop Secret Eating
Below are some common concerns clients come to us with about how to stop secret eating… "Why can't I stop binge eating in secret and not stop myself?" "Why do I keep eating in secret at night?" "Is secret eating damaging my physical and mental health?" "Is secret...

How Do You Know Your Set Point Weight?
Are you wondering how you know your set point weight? Perhaps you are interested in breaking up with diet culture and finding a healthier relationship with food. But understandably you're apprehensive. Often that apprehension has to do with weight worries… "If I...

How to Stop Counting Calories
Counting calories not working out? In this article I am going to outline my top tips on how to stop counting calories, once and for all.

How to do Intuitive Exercise
Intuitive Exercise, also referred to as Intuitive Movement goes hand-in-hand with Intuitive Eating. If you’d like to learn more about exercising intuitively, then you’re in the right place. This article will describe what intuitive exercise is before breaking down...

How To Stop Dieting and Eat Normally
How To Stop Dieting and Eat Normally Let’s talk about some initial steps you can take to learn how to stop dieting and eat normally. If you’ve clicked on this article, I’ll take a guess that you’ve been on and off diets (or pursuing weight loss in some form) for quite...

Fear of Weight Gain: 7 Tips To Overcome Getting Stuck In It
Overcoming the fear of weight gain... Overcoming the fear of weight gain is something I talk about often with clients. When we first speak, many feel excited at the thought of letting go of diets after years of pursuing weight loss. They are excited (albeit a little...

What If You’re Told You Need To Lose Weight To Get Pregnant
What to do if you're told to lose weight to get pregnant… If you’re in a bigger body and want to get pregnant, the chances are you’ve faced some problems. Have you been told, “you need to lose weight to get pregnant?" Were you dismissed in your request for help from a...

Nutrition in Pregnancy: How To Eat Well But Intuitively
Do you want to maintain or build a healthy relationship with food whilst pregnant? The good news is, you can! Here are our top tips.

Can You Lose Weight With Intuitive Eating?
You’re keen to ditch diets and become an intuitive eater, but worried about what will happen to your body? Read this.

Why Am I Not Losing Weight?
So, you're doing all the right things but still left wondering, "why am I not losing weight?" Perhaps methods that have previously led to weight loss are not working this time around? This can be very frustrating but please know you are not alone. We have many...

Can intuitive eating help with IBS?
Firstly, what is IBS? Before we answer the question "can intuitive eating help with IBS", first, let's get clear on what it is. IBS stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Of all the medical diagnoses, this is one that does exactly what it says on the tin. The bowel is...

What If Intuitive Eating Doesn’t Work?
If you are asking the question “What if Intuitive Eating doesn’t work?”, I am going to assume that you might fall into 1 of 3 camps: 1) You have tried intuitive eating and are coming up against sticking points… Common sticking points and potential solutions are...

How to Stop Counting Calories
Counting calories not working out? In this article I am going to outline my top tips on how to stop counting calories, once and for all.

Is Intuitive Eating Appropriate for Athletes?
Are you an active individual thinking "is Intuitive Eating is appropriate for athletes?" If so, you are in the right place. It is a common myth that Intuitive Eating and sports nutrition are not compatible. As a Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor and Registered...

The Difference Between Intuitive Eating and Mindful Eating
Are you confused about the difference between Intuitive Eating and Mindful Eating? Read about the key differences and crossovers here.

Why Am I Always Hungry at Night?
Do you wonder “why am I always hungry at night” and struggle to resist the urge to snack late at night? This article offers tips to help.

How To Stop Dieting and Eat Normally
How To Stop Dieting and Eat Normally Let’s talk about some initial steps you can take to learn how to stop dieting and eat normally. If you’ve clicked on this article, I’ll take a guess that you’ve been on and off diets (or pursuing weight loss in some form) for quite...